Gerald E. Meunier

Gerald Meunier

Attorney in New Orleans, LA with 50 years experience

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About Gerald E. Meunier

Gerald E. Meunier practices maritime law in New Orleans, LA, at Gainsburgh Benjamin David Meunier and Warshauer. Gerald is a member of the Louisiana bar with 50 years of legal experience.

Practice Areas

Personal Injury Law (Car Accidents)
Class Actions
Maritime Law


State Year
1984, US Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit
US Supreme Court


Georgetown University Law Center, Class of 1974, JD
Georgetown University, Class of 1970, B.A.

Contact Gerald Meunier

Gainsburgh Benjamin David Meunier and Warshauer

1100 Poydras Street
Suite 2800
New Orleans, LA 70163   get directions